Role, Purpose, and Goals
The role of the Monroe County Sheriff's Office is to provide protection and security of lives and property of citizens in Monroe County by enforcing Georgia Law, county and city ordinances, and arresting violators of these laws and ordinances in keeping with Constitutional requirements; Assisting victims of crime, accident, injury and misfortune when able; Upholding the integrity of the Courts of Georgia and Monroe County by carrying out court orders, serving processes and warrants and keeping the peace and maintaining order in the courts; Safely, humanely and securely keeping those inmates remanded to the custody of the Sheriff; Investigation of violations of law, accidents and other incidents on public or private property; Crime prevention through cooperation, education, interaction, participation and programs with our citizens.
Authority to carry out the aforementioned role (see CALEA 1.2.1) is derived from statutory law, common law, case law and custom.
OCGA 15-16-10 enumerates the statutory duties of sheriffs and deputy sheriffs.
Each year goals and objectives are developed by the Division Commanders describing what their division wishes to achieve in the upcoming year. These goals and objectives are posted in each division for staff review.